Pexels / Pixabay

The Berlin Regional Court upheld a preliminary injunction against a German historian that favored the heirs of the German monarchy Thursday, the latest development in nearly a decade of litigation from the Hohenzollern family seeking to recover royal property seized both before and after World War II. The action was brought by Crown Prince of [...]

Astrobobo / Pixabay

Independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta released exclusive documentation leaked from a government source Monday confirming that 27 men who went missing and were presumed dead in 2017 were in fact detained by Chechnyan local police, undermining the Chechnyan authorities’ official denial of their involvement in the disappearances. The documentation comes in the form of internal [...]

jorono / Pixabay

A Kyrgyz court in Bishkek fined former Deputy Head of State Customs Service Raimbek Matraimov 260,000 soms, or roughly USD $3000, in a closed trial Thursday. Matraimov pleaded guilty during his trial at the Pervomaisky District Court, which was closed to journalists, for his participation in a customs corruption scheme that resulted in the laundering [...]


The government of Colombia and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees announced Monday that Colombia would provide the 1.7 million displaced Venezuelans in Colombia with a new form of legal status, providing them with essential basic security while living in Colombia as refugees. The new initiative offers 10-year temporary status to displaced Venezuelans living in [...]

272447 / Pixabay

The White House announced Thursday that President Joe Biden would sign an executive order to dramatically increase refugee admissions to the US for the first fiscal year of the Biden administration, marking a clear departure from the Trump administration’s refugee policies. The new executive order is expected to broadly reform current US refugee policy. Among [...]

Photo credit: Stephanie Sundier

Former US president Donald Trump’s second impeachment proceedings accelerated Tuesday, as House impeachment managers delivered an 80-page memo to the Senate outlining their case for impeachment by emphasizing Trump’s personal responsibility for the violence that erupted at the US Capitol on January 6. Calling the president’s actions “a grievous betrayal of his Oath of Office,” [...]

© WikiMedia (Lorie Shaull)

The Minnesota Attorney General’s office filed a request with the Minnesota Court of Appeals Thursday, asking for intervention in the Hennepin County District Court’s refusal to hold a single trial in the summer for the four former Minneapolis police officers charged in the George Floyd murder case. In an unusual move, Attorney General Keith Ellison [...]

Hermann / Pixabay

The Hungarian Minister of Justice announced on Facebook Tuesday that the Ministry of Justice would bring a bill to the Hungarian Parliament to regulate social media companies’ deplatforming policies in Hungary this spring. In her post, Minister Varga Judit decried conditions where “everyone can be arbitrarily switched off from the online space without any official, [...]


The Constitutional Court of Moldova on Thursday struck down a law passed in December that sought to provide the Russian language with legal protections alongside the Moldovan state language. The Constitutional Court ruled that the law was unconstitutional, as the constitution of Moldova does not allow for any other languages aside from Moldovan to be [...]


The Bangkok Criminal Court on Tuesday sentenced a Thai woman to more than 43 years in prison for insulting the monarchy. The woman, Anchan Preelert, is a former member of the Banpodj Network, a group accused by the Thai government of being an “anti-monarchy network” due to the content of their videos uploaded to Facebook [...]