President Biden announced Tuesday an immediate suspension on entry for certain Nicaraguan officials into the US, in a direct response to the increasing authoritarianism in Nicaragua since the November elections that saw President Daniel Ortega win a fourth term amidst reports of repressive and antidemocratic behavior. President Biden’s presidential proclamation denounced Ortega’s actions, calling them [...]

pixel2013 / Pixabay

The European Commission voted Friday to refer Hungary to the Court of Justice of the European Union, alleging that Hungary failed to comply with a 2020 Court of Justice judgment ordering reform of Hungary’s exclusionary asylum laws. The Commission has alleged that Hungary’s laws regarding asylum procedure are contrary to EU law and is requesting [...]

Anfaenger / Pixabay

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights called on Belarus and Poland to de-escalate their migrant border dispute Wednesday, claiming that both countries’ militaristic responses had put the safety of refugees in jeopardy and risked violating international refugee law. High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet Jeria said that she was “appalled” at the situation, describing large numbers [...]


The international community reacted sharply against the deepening border crisis between Belarus and Poland Tuesday, as thousands of migrants from Belarus have continued to gather on the Polish border while seeking entry into the European Union. Poland continues to blame the situation on the Belarusian government, saying that the Belarusian army is coordinating and encouraging [...]

debannja / Pixabay

A federal district court in Washington state ruled against a Tacoma for-profit immigration detention center in a minimum wage suit Tuesday, ordering its owners to pay $5.9 million in unlawful gains earned against single-dollar wages since 2005, as well as $17.3 million in back wages owed to detainee workers. The detention center’s owners, The GEO [...]

Simon / Pixabay

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) and US Department of Labor announced Tuesday that they had reached settlement agreements with Facebook over claims that the tech giant had misused the Department of Labor’s Permanent Labor Certification Program (PERM) in its recruitment and hiring practices. The settlement requires Facebook to pay $15 million, which is the [...]


The Polish parliament voted Thursday on a bill for a border wall with Belarus, a major escalation in its recent migrant dispute with its neighbor. Poland has accused Belarus of allowing Middle Eastern migrants to transit through the country and enter Poland as revenge for EU sanctions leveraged against Belarus earlier this year. The Polish [...]

Ronile / Pixabay

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a policy change Tuesday that put an end to the practice of mass worksite operations, a strategy used by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that often resulted in the simultaneous arrest of hundreds of unauthorized noncitizen workers. In a memorandum to the heads of ICE, the [...]

Konevi / Pixabay

The state Qatar News Agency announced Thursday that the Qatari attorney general has ordered the arrest of Finance Minister Ali Sharif al-Emadi on charges related to the abuse of his office. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Ali bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari, was announced as al-Emadi’s immediate replacement. Al-Emadi had served in a variety of roles [...]

KCBLOP / Pixabay

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) expressed alarm Tuesday at overnight police violence against protesters in the Colombian city of Cali. This violence comes after more than a week of protests against tax reform which have allegedly resulted in 14 deaths across Colombia. The protests began on April 28 [...]