Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd v. Sharman License Holdings Ltd, Federal Court of Australia, September 5, 2005 [ruling that internet music file-sharing service Kazaa violates artists' copyrights by allowing its more than 100 million users to swap pirated digital music...
Changes to Military Commission Procedures, US Department of Defense Fact Sheet, August 31, 2005 . Read the full list of changes here . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here....
Report of the American Civil Liberties Union on the Nomination of District of Columbia Circuit Court Judge John Roberts Jr., to be Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court, August 2005; American Civil Liberties Union, August 31, 2005. Excerpt:...
ACLU and unnamed library v. Gonzales, United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, August 25, 2005 [complaint challenging the government's use of an administrative subpoena known as a National Security Letter, which allows the FBI access to library...
Sexual Harassment & Violence at the Military Service Academies Report, United States Department of Defense, August 25, 2005 [report announcing that despite some progress, hostile attitudes and inappropriate treatment of women persist at the US Military Academy at West Point...
Means v. Navajo Nation, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, August 24, 2005 ....
Roy v. Secretary for Justice, Hong Kong High Court, Judge Michael Hartmann, August 24, 2005 . Read the full text...
Suicide and Homicide in State Prison and Local Jails, US Department of Justice, August 22, 2005 . Excerpt:Over the past two...
CT v. Spellings, State of Connecticut, August 22, 2005 [complaint alleging that the federal No Child Left Behind Act is illegal because it requires states to provide programs and expensive testing without furnishing adequate funding and asks that the judge...
Doe v. US, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, August 18, 2005 [ruling that congressional legislation that permits medical insurance for US military personnel to pay only for abortions needed to save the life of the mother...