Protection Gap: Strenghthening Canada's Compliance With Its International Human Rights Obligations, Amnesty International Canada's Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, October 14, 2005 [finding that Canada must make "significant improvements" in its efforts to meet international human rights...


United States v. Bennett, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, October 12, 2005 [criminal complaint against Phillip R. Bennett, former CEO of Refco, one of the largest commodities brokerage firms in the world, charging him...


Assembly Bill No. 450, California Legislature, February 15, 2005, signed into law by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, October 7, 2005 [banning the sale or rental of violent video games to minors under the age of 17, and requiring retailers to label...


Doe v. Gonzales, Supreme Court of the United States, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, October 7, 2005 [rejecting an emergency appeal filed by the ACLU on behalf of Connecticut libraries seeking to overturn a gag order that prevents a library involved...