Guantanamo: Lives torn apart — The impact of indefinite detention on detainees and their families, Amnesty International, February 6, 2006 [report on conditions of detainees at the US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and the impact of detention on their...
Implementation of the NPT Safeguards: Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, International Atomic Energy Agency, February 4, 2006 . Excerpt:2. Requests the Director General...
Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda, International Court of Justice, February 3, 2006 . Excerpt:While the Court...
H.R.4659, United States Senate, passed February 2, 2006 . Read the full text of the legislation. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here....
Mayola William et al. v. Philip Morris Incorporated et al., Oregon Supreme Court, February 2, 2006 [upholding an award of $79.5 million in punitive damages that a jury in 1999 directed Philip Morris USA to pay to relatives of an...
Petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR); Bureau des Avocats Internationaux, the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti,the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School, and TransAfrica Forum, February 2, 2006 [alleging that...
An act to amend Section 8314 of, and to add Section 8314.5 to, theGovernment Code, relating to public agencies; passed by the California Senate, January 30, 2006 [banning state agencies from producing video news releases designed to look like objective...
Georgia Death Penalty Assessment Report, American Bar Association, January 30, 2006. Excerpt: Over the course of the past thirty years, the American Bar Association (ABA) has become increasingly concerned that there is a crisis in our country's death penalty system...
Second Periodic Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Human Rights Situation in Sudan, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, January 2006. Excerpt:Unfortunately, to date efforts to improve the human rights situation on the ground...
US v. Jack A. Abramoff, Plea Agreement, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, January 3, 2006 . Read the full...