US Chamber of Commerce v. SEC, United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, April 7, 2006 [rejecting for inadequate public comment opportunity US SEC corporate governance regulations requiring mutual fund companies to appoint independent chairpersons and compose at...


Entertainment Software Association v. Granholm, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division, Judge George Caram Steeh, March 31, 2006 [striking down a Michigan law prohibiting the sale of certain violent video games to minors, ruling...


Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2006, S. 2349, United States Senate, passed March 29, 2006 [bill prohibiting lawmakers from accepting gifts or meals from lobbyists, requiring disclose of paid-for travel, and banning lawmakers from becoming lobbyists themselves for two...


11 CFR Parts 100, 110 and 114 , Internet Communications, Federal Election Commission, March 24, 2006 [rules requiring federal political candidates to pay for internet advertisements out of funds regulated by federal campaign laws, but otherwise leaving...