Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2005, Department of Homeland Security, July 18, 2006 [estimating that there were 2.5 million more illegal immigrants living in the United States in January 2006 than there were...
ACLU v. NSA, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, August 17, 2006 [rejecting the government's assertion of the state secrets privilege, holding that the Bush administration's domestic surveillance program is unconstitutional and...
Leonard v. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, United States District Court of Mississippi Southern Division, August 15, 2006 . Read the...
Immigration Report, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, July 31, 2006 [examining nearly 300,000 immigration cases from 1994-2005, and finding that ten percent of US immigration judges denied asylum in 86 percent of their cases, while another ten percent of immigration judges...
Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 40 of the Covenant, UN Human Rights Committee, July 28, 2006 [finding among other things that to comply with its obligations under the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights that...
Norwood v. Horney, Ohio Supreme Court, July 26, 2006 . Read the full text of the...
Anderson v. King County, Washington Supreme Court, July 26, 2006 . Excerpt: The two cases before us require us to decide whether the legislature has the power to...
Review of CBP Actions Taken to Intercept Suspected Terrorists at US Ports of Entry, Department of Homeland Security, July 25, 2006 [finding that travelers with names similar to those on the watch list can be questioned for hours and that...
"Your confessions are ready for you to sign": Detention and torture of political suspects in Jordan, Amnesty International, July 24, 2006 [identifying at least 10 suspected cases of alleged extraordinary rendition where detainees were removed from US custody and sent...
Wilson v. Libby, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, July 13, 2006 [asserting that Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, I. Lewis Libby and 10 unnamed administration officials violated her rights to privacy, free speech, and equal...