Roy v. Secretary for Justice, Hong Kong Court of Appeal, September 21, 2006 . Read...
Lake v. Perdue, Superior Court of Georgia, September 19, 2006 . Read the full text of the ruling ....
Crime in the United States 2005, Federal Bureau of Investigation, September 19, 2006 . Read the full text of the report. Reported...
The Status of Muslim Rights in the United States 2006, Council on American Islamic Relations, September 19, 2006 [indicating a jump from 1,522 cases of anti-Muslim bias in 2004 to 1,972 cases in 2005 and attributing the rise to "anti-Muslim...
Report of the Events Relating to Maher Arar, Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar, September 18, 2006 [concluding that Canadian officials did not play a role in the US decision to detain...
Letter to members of Congress from retired federal judges, September 15, 2006 [raising concerns about a provision in the proposed Military Commissions Act of 2006 that, according to the judges, would "strip the federal courts of jurisdiction to test the...
The Secure Fence Act of 2006, passed by the US House of Representatives, September 15, 2006 . Read the full text of the bill...
Under Fire: Hezbollah's Attacks on Northern Israel, Amnesty International, September 14, 2006 . Read the...
The Role of Judges in a Modern Democracy, UK Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer Magna Carta Lecture, Sydney, Australia, September 13, 2006 . Read the full text of...
Kingdom of Spain v United Kingdom, Case C-145/04, European Court of Justice, September 12, 2006 [ruling upholding a UK law that extends the right to vote in European Parliament elections to residents of Gibraltar, the tiny British overseas territory at...