Cobb v. Thurman, District Court of Appeal, First District, State of Florida, October 27, 2006 [granting state election officials permission to post polling area signs telling voters that ballots cast for resigned Republican Congressman Mark Foley would count as votes...


Lewis v. Harris, Supreme Court of New Jersey, October 25, 2006 [ruling that same-sex couples in the state must be afforded the same rights as heterosexual couples, and saying that the state legislature must decide whether New Jersey will recognize...


Arizona v. Gonzalez, US Supreme Court, October 19, 2006 [ruling that Arizona can enforce a new law requiring voters to show government-issued ID cards at the polls for the November elections, reversing an earlier decision by the US Court of...


The United States Marshall's Services Management of the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System, US Department of Justice, October 18, 2006 [concluding that the air transportation system used by the federal government to deport illegal immigrants and transfer federal prisoners...