DKT International, Inc. v. US Agency for International Development, US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, February 28, 2007 [ruling that the Bush administration is permitted to deny funding to nonprofit AIDS awareness and advocacy groups that fail...
California Family Bioethics Council v. California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Court of Appeal for the State of California First Appellate Division, February 27, 2006 [ruling that California's stem cell research program "suffers from no constitutional or other legal infirmity," leading...
Othman and Secretary of State for the Home Department, Special Immigration Appeals Commission, February 26, 2007 ....
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), International Court of Justice, February 26, 2006 [finding that although the Serbian government was not directly responsible for genocide...
Wallace v. Kato, US Supreme Court, February 21, 2007 . Read the court's opinion per Justice Scalia,...
Boumediene v. Bush, US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, February 20, 2006 [ruling that provisions in the Military Commissions Act stripping foreign nationals held as "enemy combatants" of the right to file habeas corpus petitions challenging their detentions...
Philip Morris USA v. Williams, US Supreme Court, February 20, 2007 . Read the court's opinion per...
Jones v. Barlow, Utah Supreme Court, February 16, 2007 . Read the full text of the ruling . Reported...
Islamic American Relief Agency v. Gonzalez, US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, February 13, 2006 [ruling upholding a freeze on the assets of an Islamic charity on the grounds that it was affiliated with the Islamic African...
Omar v. Harvey, US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, February 9, 2007 [ruling unanimously that US citizen and suspected terrorist Shawqi Omar has a right to argue his case before a US court rather then being turned...