Global Corruption Report 2007, Transparency International, May 24, 2007 . Read the full text of the report . Reported in JURIST's...
US v. Timothy J. Rigas and John J. Rigas, US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, May 24, 2007 [upholding the fraud convictions of Adelphia Communications founder John J. Rigas and son Timothy J. Rigas on the grounds that...
Amnesty International Report 2007: the state of the world's human rights, Amnesty International, March 23, 2007 [condemning the US and other Western democratic states for their attempts to roll back some fundamental principles of human rights in their efforts to...
The Secretary of State for the Home Department v. Mahmoud Baiai and Izabela Trzcinska, et al., England and Wales Court of Appeal, May 23, 2007 [affirming a lower court opinion that UK provisions requiring people born outside of the EU...
Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs vs. The Queen (on the application of Bancoult), England and Wales Court of Appeal, May 23, 2007 [ruling that a group of Indian Ocean islanders must be allowed to return to...
Mikaeli Muhimana v. The Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, May 21, 2007 . Read the full...
Los Angeles County v. Rettele, US Supreme Court, May 21, 2007 [holding that police did not act unreasonably when, executing a valid search warrant on a home, they ordered innocent residents of a different race than the suspects the police...
Winkelman v. Parma City School District, US Supreme Court, May 21, 2007 [holding that parents of special needs children - in this case a child with autism - have an independent and enforceable right under the Individuals with Disabilities in...
Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, US Supreme Court, May 21, 2007 . Read the Court's...
Conclusions and Recommendations of the Committee against Torture: Poland, UN Committee against Torture, May 21, 2007 . Read the full text of the...