Secretary for Justice v. Yau Yuk Lung Zigo and Lee Kam Chuen, Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, July 17, 2007 [upholding a 2006 lower court ruling invalidating a law that specifically targeted public homosexual sodomy because the law's specific...


United States of America v. Jeffrey Stein, et al., US District Court for the Southern District of New York, July 16, 2007 [dismissing all charges against 13 of 16 defendants in the KPMG criminal tax shelter case because prosecutors violated...


United States of America v. I. Lewis Libby, US District Court for the District of Columbia, July 12, 2007 [ruling that the President's commutation of Libby's prison term did not necessarily remove Libby's supervised release and entering into the record...


Initial Benchmark Assessment Report, White House, July 12, 2007 [finding that the Iraqi government has shown sufficient progress in its efforts to develop a constitutional review process, but is not making satisfactory progress is passing laws on the distribution of...


Opinion on Video Surveillance in Public Places by Public Authorities and the Protection of Human Rights, European Commission for Democracy through Law - Council of Europe, July 11, 2007 [finding that the use of public video surveillance constitutes 'an undeniable...


Alien Detention Standards: Telephone Access Problems Were Pervasive at Detention Facilities; Other Deficiencies Did Not Show a Pattern of Noncompliance, Government Accountability Office, July 6, 2007 [finding that the total number of aliens detained annually for immigration violations jumped from...