Ali Saleh Kahlah Al-Marri and Mark A. Berman v. Commander S. L. Wright, USN Commander, Consolidated Naval Brig., US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, August 22, 2007 [order agreeing to rehear en banc to decide whether the military...
Haneef v. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Federal Court of Australia, August 21, 2007 [ruling that Australian Immigration and Citizenship Minister Kevin Andrews improperly revoked the work visa of Dr. Mohammad Haneef, detained by Australian authorities in connection with July's...
In Re Motion for Release of Court Records, US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, August 16, 2007 [ruling that the FISC would consider an ACLU motion to release to the public hitherto-classified rulings on the extent of the US government's wiretapping...
Federal Trade Commission v. Whole Foods Market, Inc., and Wild Oats Markets, Inc., US District Court for the District of Columbia, August 16, 2007 . Read the...
Letter to the Department of Justice Inspector General Glenn Fine, US Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, August 16, 2007 [requesting the inspector general to investigate potentially misleading or dishonest testimony given by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales before the Senate...
FBI Director Robert Mueller's personal notes, Federal Bureau of Investigation, August 14, 2007 [released personal notes revealing that former US Attorney General John Ashcroft was "feeble, barely articulate, and clearly stressed" during a confrontation with then-White House counsel Alberto Gonzales...
Steven J. Hatfill, M.D., v. Alberto Gonzales, et al, US District Court for the District of Columbia, August 13, 2007 [ruling that five reporters must testify about government sources who provided them information about a former US Army germ-warfare researcher...
Report of the Events Relating to Maher Arar: Addendum, Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar, August 8, 2007 [revealing that Canadian intelligence officials suspected that the United States would deport Maher Arar...
Abagail Alliance for Better Access to Developmental Drugs and Washington Legal Foundation v. Andrew von Eschenbach, In his official capacity as Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration, et al., US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, August 7,...
Protect America Act of 2007, passed by the US Senate and House of Representatives and signed into law by President George W. Bush, August 6, 2007 . Read...