Haji Bismullah, Haji Mohammad Wali v. Robert M. Gates, US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, January 9, 2009 [ruling that it had no jurisdiction over Guantanamo detainees' petitions for subject-matter review of "enemy combatant" status decisions...


American Sociological Association, et al. v. Michael Chertoff, and Condoleezza Rice, US District Court for the District of Massachusetts, December 8, 2008 [ruling that the federal court may review a US consulate decision denying a non-immigrant visa to a controversial...


Lakhdar Boumediene, et al. v. George W. Bush, et al., US District Court for the District of Columbia, October 27, 2008 [ruling that in order to be held as "enemy combatants," detainees must have directly supported hostilities against the United...