In re: Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Products Liability Litigation, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Judge Shira Scheindlin, April 21, 2005 [ruling that some 80 lawsuits can proceed against oil companies claiming that a...
Still at Risk: Diplomatic Assurances No Safeguard against Torture, Human Rights Watch , April 15, 2005 [reporting that governments in both North America and Europe have negligently relied upon promises of humane treatment in order to transfer terror suspects to...
In re: Records of the Department of Children and Family Services, Circuit Court for the Pinellas County, Florida, Judge Greer, April 14, 2005 ....
Nutraceutical Corp. v. Crawford, United States District Court for the District of Utah Central Division, Judge Campbell, April 13, 2005 ban on the weight-loss supplement ephedra, which was pulled off the market...
Li v. Oregon, et al., Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, Justice Gillette, April 15, 2005 . Excerpt:e conclude as follows. First, since the effective date of Measure 36,...
HR 8, Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2005, approved by US House of Representatives on April 13, 2005 . Read the full text of the bill here. The Reported in...
Keeler, et al. v. Stalder, et al., United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, April 13, 2005 [ruling that federal courts lack jurisdiction in dispute regarding anti-abortion license plates because the case amounts to a tax dispute that...
China's Progress in Human Rights in 2004, State Council of China, April 13, 2005 . Excerpt:In 2004, China adhered to the scientific view of development by putting...
United States v. Barot, et al., Southern District of New York, April 12, 2005 . Read the full text of the indictment here. Reported in...
United States v. Stewart, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum, April 11, 2005 [ruling denying an appeal by Stewart to modify or change her sentence. The appeal would have led to...