Chamber of Commerce of the USA v. SEC, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, June 21, 2005 [ruling that the US SEC should reconsider its rule that requires mutual funds to be run by boards...
Science under Siege: The Bush Administration's Assault on Academic Freedom and Scientific Inquiry, American Civil Liberties Union , June 21, 2005 [report detailing how the US government has attacked the free exchange of technology information in the name of homeland...
Sentencing guidelines speech, Department of Justice, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, June 21, 2005 . Excerpt:The key...
Hosty, et al. v. Carter and Governors State University, et al., United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, June 20, 2005 [holding that the University had some discretion to regulate the content to be published because it supported...
People v. Black, Supreme Court of California, June 20, 2005 . Read the full text of the opinion here . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here....
American Bankers Association, et al. v. Gould, et al., United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, June 20, 2005 [ruling that a portion of a California law giving consumers the right to block banks from selling their personal...
WHO Resource Book on Mental Health, Human Rights and Legislation, World Health Organization , June 20, 2005 . Excerpt:There are many ways to improve the lives of people with mental disorders....
Seeking Asylum is Not a Crime: Detention of people who have sought asylum, Amnesty International, June 20, 2005 . Excerpt:Amnesty International's report highlights the denial of justice suffered by many people...
Rompilla v. Beard, Supreme Court of the United States, June 20, 2005 . Excerpt from the Opinion by Justice Souter:We hold that...
Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal advice on Iraq, published by the London Sunday Times on June 19, 2005 [leaked memo indicating that British Government ministers were forewarned by senior officials that the 2002 US and UK pre-war air strikes against...