Polish President Andrzej Duda on Friday vetoed a proposed amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law that would allow young women aged 15 and up to purchase emergency contraception pills without a prescription. The president’s office stated the reasoning behind the decision was “the will to respect constitutional rights and the standard of health protection of children.” [...]


Spain’s Audiencia Nacional high court ordered Telegram on Saturday to temporarily suspend its activities in the country, after a complaint by major media companies that users were sharing content without their permission, according to consumer advocacy group FACUA. FACUA condemned the decision, calling it “disproportionate.” The decision came after company officials in the Virgin Islands [...]

Sheila1988, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Irish High Court ruled Friday that a decision made by the country’s Minister for Justice in 2020 to declare the UK a “safe country” to send asylum seekers back to during processing was “unlawful as a matter of EU law.” The decision came after two individuals’ applications for international protection in Ireland were rejected [...]

Martin MAGA, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Swiss police blocked a far-right Austrian political activist from delivering a speech at an event on Saturday. Martin Sellner, the leader of the nationalist Identitarian Movement of Austria, was invited by a far-right Swiss group called “Junge Tat” to deliver a speech in the Swiss canton of Aargau but was issued an entry ban by [...]


Emanuel Xhindi is a special correspondent for JURIST and a law student in the University of Tirana Faculty of Law in Tirana, Albania.  Emigration measures in developing countries are almost always seen through a vague, public-interest lens, but their constitutionality may be dubious. In an effort to stop young doctors from leaving the country to [...]