© WikiMedia (Pete Souza)

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified Wednesday in two hearings about his findings (released in a 448-page redacted report in May) in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election. In his opening statements, Mueller touched on findings of his investigation and made a few remarks. “Our investigation found that the Russian [...]


The City of Seattle on Monday approved legislation that codifies financial policies and requires the revenue from the city’s Sweetened Beverage Tax to go to healthy food initiatives for low-income communities. Mayor Jenny Durkan had threatened to veto the legislation, planning to use some revenue to fund existing programs, but City Council voted 7-1, a [...]

(© Steve Petteway, photographer for the US Supreme Court)

Retired US Supreme Court Justice Justice John Paul Stevens died on Tuesday at 99 years old. Stevens was appointed by President Gerald Ford in 1975 and retired in 2010 after serving more than 34 years on the bench. He was known for his evolution into a liberal-leaning judge who authored a number of precedential opinions, [...]


The American Civil Liberties Union and Southern Poverty Law Center filed a lawsuit Tuesday on behalf of refugee resettlement organizations and civil rights centers in California against Attorney General William Barr and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin K. McAleenan arguing that a new rule barring non-citizens who transit through another country on their way [...]

NRCPR / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit on Tuesday upheld a racial gerrymandering decision in Salt Lake City on Tuesday in favor of members of the Navajo Nation. The federal district court first found that San Jose County’s election and school board districts violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and awarded [...]

© WikiMedia (White House)

US President Donald Trump announced Thursday he would drop efforts to include a citizenship question on the official 2020 census but issued an executive order to obtain data specific to citizenship and non-citizenship status for those living in the US by alternative means. The US Supreme Court ruled in June that while the government is [...]

© WikiMedia (White House)

Judge Amit Mehta of the US District Court for the District of Columbia ruled on Monday that the House Oversight Committee’s April 22 subpoena of Mazars, the company that manages President Donald Trump’s private finances and holds his financial records, was within the committee’s authority. House Chair Elijah Cummings moved to compel these records following [...]

@ WikiMedia (Don McGahn)

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) released a memo Monday arguing that Congress may not constitutionally compel senior presidential advisors to testify about their official duties, referring to an April 22 subpoena of former Counsel to the President Donald McGahn to testify on matters regarding the report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The House Judiciary [...]