The Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling for the CIA against The New York Times‘ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on Thursday. In filing the suit, the New York Times hoped the CIA would acknowledge the existence of records regarding a program that allegedly armed and trained Syrian rebel forces. The New York [...]


In a statement released Friday evening, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced US President Donald Trump had commuted the prison sentence of his former adviser Roger Stone. Stone was sentenced to three years four months in prison after being found guilty of seven felony charges. The charges included obstruction, making false statements to Congress, [...]

sharonang / Pixabay

Australia announced in a statement released Thursday that it is suspending its extradition treaty with Hong Kong due to concerns over Hong Kong’s new security laws. Prime Minister Scott Morrison stated: The Australian Government remains deeply concerned about China’s imposition of a broad national security law on Hong Kong. The National Security Law erodes the [...]

© WikiMedia (Jarek Tuszyński)

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday in a 5-4 vote that a large part of Oklahoma remains a Native American reservation, with Justice Gorsuch authoring the majority opinion. The issue before the court was whether the eastern half of Oklahoma is a Native American reservation, which would be exempt from local and state control. Jimcy McGirt, [...]

© WikiMedia (WHO)

President Donald Trump notified United Nation officials of US withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday, effective July 2021. A White House official confirmed the UN notification. This comes after Trump signaled his intent to withdraw in May, resting his decision on the WHO’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The US currently donates [...]


In a report released on Tuesday, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions Agnes Callamard claimed the US drone strike that killed Qasem Soleimani and nine others violated international law. Callamard called the killing of Soleimani by a US drone strike an “arbitrary killing” that violates the UN Charter. Additionally, Callamard addressed the [...]

© WikiMedia (Fibonacci Blue)

A judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia ruled on Monday that the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) must shut down pending a review of its environmental impact. This ruling comes after Judge James Boasberg ruled in March that the US Army Corps of Engineers violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). [...]


In a statement to the House of Commons on Monday, UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab introduced new sanctions on 49 human rights abusers. The new global human rights regime provides accountability for individuals and organizations, unlike typical sanctions regimes, which target nations. It aims to protect individuals’ rights. Encompassing both “the right to life,” and [...]

© WikiMedia (NickR.96)

The US Supreme Court unanimously upheld states’ “faithless elector” laws on Monday, which either penalize or remove presidential electors who do not vote for the candidate they pledged to support. The court decided both challenges to “faithless elector” laws on the same grounds. Currently, 32 states and the District of Columbia have “faithless elector” laws. [...]