Two days after US House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-WI) introduced a bill to make existing provisions of the Patriot Act permanent, Judiciary Committee members Wednesday debated...
Ali al-Timimi , an Islamic scholar from Fairfax, Virginia, was sentenced to life in prison Wednesday after he was convicted of soliciting others to levy war against the US, inducing others to aid the...
European Union Interior and Justice ministers Wednesday voiced support for new security measures proposed at a meeting called in the wake of last Thursday's London bomings. The new rules would require telecommunications companies to retain and allow...
Iraq has accepted an offer from the Arab League to lend expertise and support to the committee established to draft the Iraqi constitution . Meanwhile the drafting and consultation process continues...
Raed Juhi, a senior judge on the Iraqi Special Tribunal , said Wednesday that the Tribunal's investigations of the case against Saddam Hussein are "more than 80 percent complete". He said the court's investigating judges...
Texas District Judge Robert Perkins Tuesday reaffirmed an indictment for violations of a state law regarding corporate campaign contributions against an ally of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX). John Colyandro, executive director of Texans for a...
Police in the Netherlands announced Wednesday the arrest of a 17-year-old boy as part of an investigation into the Hofstad terrorist group that killed filmmaker Theo van Gogh . Police found a homemade bomb in the boy's room....
Parliamentary members of Zimbabwe's ruling African National Union-Patriotic Front party Tuesday defeated an opposition proposal that would have ended the government's controversial home demolition program . "Operation Restore Order" has resulted in 30,000 arrests of illegal...
Human rights groups including the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network and Human Rights Watch have urged UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to support a UN panel's recommendation for an international...
The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Tuesday again called for an independent probe into the May killings of hundreds of protestors by government troops in Uzbekistan. The Uzbek government...