Israeli police officer Yuval Avargil testified Monday in the ongoing trial against Sami Al-Arian , a former University of South Florida professor that has been charged , along with three other men, with raising...
National Guard acting adjutant general Brigadier Gen. John R. Alexander has said that a confidential report released Monday proves that the National Guard unit known as the Information Synchronization, Knowledge Management and Intelligence Fusion program was not...
Public commentary on the proposed revisions to Britain's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act (1990) began Tuesday, as the government opened up communication for medical professionals and the general public to provide commentary on proposed changes to the...
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights , part of the judicial branch of the Organization of American States regional body, has ordered the Suriname government to pay $13,000 (USD) to each of...
Despite initial optimism, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has warned the international community that Cambodia , one of Asia's poorest nations, cannot afford its share of the projected costs for an international criminal tribunal targeting Khmer...
Palestinian Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Sufian Abu Zaydeh said Monday that the Palestinian Authority is demanding that the Israeli government release some 650 prisoners arrested during the Israeli settlement process of the Gaza Strip . Palestinian officials...
A three judge panel of Israel's High Court Sunday rejected a petition to prevent Israeli Defense Forces personnel from being employed to seal off areas of the Gaza Strip after the current Israeli settlers there have been...
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has appointed Ali Larijani as Secretary of Supreme National Security Council, a position that carries the responsibility of negotiating with European nations concerning Iran's continued insistence on...
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer announced Monday that Reliant Energy and California, Oregon, Washington and three other utility companies, have reached a financial settlement for legal claims against Reliant concerning its alleged price-gouging and manipulation of energy...
Ahmed Salman Dawd al-Zubaidi, Ahmed Muthanna Jassem Ahmed Al-Aani, and Mohammed Mahdi Abderrahman Aasi al-Kanani, all Iraqi intelligence agents under the Saddam Hussein regime, entered pleas of not guilty Monday as they were arraigned before a Yemeni court for...