grapesky / Pixabay

In an 8-1 decision, the US Supreme Court Thursday ruled that Congress does not have to provide Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits to residents of Puerto Rico. The decision impacts the residents of Puerto Rico and other US territories who are applying for government benefits. In United States v. Vaello-Madero, Jose Luis Vaello-Madero, a US [...]

© WikiMedia (US Capitol)

In a 6-3 decision, the US Supreme Court Thursday ruled that a state prisoner must satisfy the court precedents and federal law to receive habeas relief in Brown v. Davenport. The decision impacts the standard federal courts use when deciding whether state trial courts’ constitutional errors are harmless. Petitioner Mike Brown argued that the US [...]

© WikiMedia (Joe Ravi)

The US Supreme Court Wednesday heard an oral arguments for Vega v. Tekoh. The case will determine whether a person can seek civil relief when an officer fails to provide them with their Miranda rights, legal protections for potential criminal defendants against self-incrimination. Terence Tekoh was employed as nursing assistant at a Los Angeles medical center [...]

qimono / Pixabay

An Ohio doctor was found Wednesday not guilty on 14 counts of murder. The doctor was accused of “hastening the deaths of 14 critically ill patients” by overprescribing fentanyl. The jury had to answer the question of whether William Husel’s actions violated Ohio law when he allegedly prescribed 10 times the amount of fentanyl that is used [...]


A Taiwanese activist returned home Friday after serving a five-year jail sentence in China for “subversion of state power.” Lee Ming-che disappeared in March 2017. A week after his disappearance, he was found in the custody of the Chinese government. He had been arrested and charged for subversion of state power. During trial, Lee admitted [...]


Brian Benjamin, the Lieutenant Governor for New York, resigned Tuesday after being charged with bribery, honest services wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit those offenses. Benjamin allegedly directed a state-funded grant to a non-profit controlled by a real estate developer in exchange for campaign contributions. Benjamin is also charged with two counts of falsifying records.  [...]


A commission created in January announced Tuesday that they have received 290 valid testimonies from victims as they investigate the Portuguese Catholic Church for the sexual abuse of children and teenagers. Pedro Strecht, a psychiatrist who heads the committee said “More than half the reported cases suggest many more victims were involved.” The committee is made [...]


The Parliament of Pakistan Sunday voted to remove Imran Khan from the position of Prime Minister, due to allegations of mismanaging the economy and mishandling the country’s foreign policy. Khan, a former premier cricketer, was removed from his position three and a half years after coming to power in 2018. The vote of no-confidence was [...]

© WikiMedia (Fahd Sadi)

Rashad Al-Alimi, head of Yemen’s new presidential council, gave a speech Friday where he promised to end the current war by using a peaceful process. This promise comes after President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi stepped down on Thursday. Upon stepping down, Hadi transferred his presidential powers in hopes of ending the war. Saudi Arabia also encouraged [...]

© WikiMedia (Tyler Merbler)

The leader of the North Carolina Chapter of the Proud Boys Friday pleaded guilty to felony charges for his actions associated with the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. Charles Donohoe, 34, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and assaulting, resisting or impeding officers.  Donohoe has also agreed to help [...]