David w ng, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Police arrested environmental activist Captain Paul Watson on his ship Sunday in the town of Nuuk, Greenland. Watson is a prominent campaigner against commercial whaling. When he was arrested, Watson was apparently engaged in a mission to traverse the Northwest Passage, a series of waterways through the arctic archipelago of Canada that connects the Atlantic [...]

Boardwalk.Koi, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A fire ignited Saturday night for the third day in a row at a former factory in Coolock, Ireland that was going to be set aside to house asylum seekers. While firefighters have said this latest blaze was put under control, this fire is the latest episode in a series of unrest and violent incidents [...]

Voice of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Saturday overturned the conviction of ex-PM Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi for violating the country’s marriage laws in 2018, according to Khan’s lawyer, Naeem Panthuja, who celebrated on social media. Khan and his wife were sentenced to seven years for violating the law by marrying before the [...]


The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei ordered the country’s judiciary not to refer to Western human rights principles in their decisions, in a Saturday speech during a meeting with the country’s Judiciary Chief and other senior judiciary officials. The Supreme Leader said that the principles are incorrect and described Western countries as hypocritical. The [...]


Iran’s Supreme Court overturned the death sentence imposed on dissident rapper Toomaj Salehi, his lawyer announced Saturday. The news was confirmed by Salehi’s lawyer, Amir Raisian, on X. Raisian said that, through this decision, the Iranian Supreme Court avoided an “irreparable judicial error”. Salehi had been detained since October 2022 for speaking out and participating [...]

© JURIST / Yael Iosilevich

Thousands of Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv Saturday to urge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a ceasefire deal touted by President Joe Biden. The protests took place amidst mounting pressure to come to an agreement with Hamas to bring hostages home. Protestors held signs with slogans such as “Biden save them [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Former president Donald Trump’s legal tram vowed Friday to file an appeal, after a New York jury found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records. Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, told CNN and NBC’s Today that the team expected to win on appeal. Judge Juan Merchan set a June 13 deadline for filing any motions. [...]

Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

President Emanuel Macron of France will lift the state of emergency in New Caledonia on Tuesday, French newspaper Le Monde reported Monday. The state of emergency will lift on Tuesday at 5 a.m., but some curfew measures will remain. 480 mobile gendarmes will also be sent as reinforcements, according to the publication. New Caledonia, a [...]

gavinseim / Pixabay

Governor Samuel Garcia of the northern Mexico State Nuevo León took to X (formerly Twitter) to express condolences to the victims and their families in an election stage tragedy on Friday. During a rally for presidential candidate Jorge Alvarez Mayney, high winds caused the collapse of the stage that killed nine, including a child, and [...]

jorono / Pixabay

Pakistan Foreign Ministry summoned Kyrgyzstan’s ambassador to the country over concerns about recent violence against Pakistani students in Kyrgyzstan issued a press release Saturday. Mob violence against foreigners in Bishkek on Friday injured at least 29 people from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Egypt. The violence and acute animosity toward migrants has unclear origins, but Kyrgyz authorities [...]