Human Rights Watch Monday reported that the Egyptian government is severely curtailing environmental groups’ ability to carry out independent policy, advocacy and field work essential to protecting the country’s natural environment. The report comes as Egypt prepares to host the 2022 UN climate conference (COP27) in November. Human Rights Watch conducted interviews with staff members [...]


UK criminal barristers Monday began an indefinite strike in order to force the UK government to increase legal aid funding. Barristers have been striking sporadically since June and voted overwhelmingly to escalate their action to an indefinite strike last month. Since 2006, criminal barristers in England and Wales have suffered an average decrease of 28 [...]

jaydeep_ / Pixabay

Israel Sunday enacted new visa requirements for visitors entering or exiting the West Bank. According to the new regulations, a foreigner who maintains a spousal relationship with a resident of the West Bank must apply for a visa permit. Spousal permits will be issued for a maximum term of one year and may be extended to [...]


Alexei Navalny, a jailed Russian opposition politician, Tuesday said he has been placed in solitary confinement for the third time this month. Navalny is a vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin, has organised anti-government demonstrations and founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). Navalny has been detained and placed on house arrest on several occasions due to [...]

© WikiMedia (OneArmedMan)

An Israeli court Tuesday sentenced Mohammed al-Halabi to 12 years in prison. Al-Halabi is the Gaza director for international Christian charity World Vision. This decision comes after al-Halabi spent six years in Israeli detention and attended 172 court hearings. Halabi was convicted in June of 13 charges. Authories allege that he diverted funds from World Vision [...]

smuldur / Pixabay

A Turkish court ordered pop star Gülşen Çolakoğlu to be released Monday from pre-trial detention and to be placed under judicial control on the condition that she does not leave the residence. Gülşen was released from Bakırköy Closed Women’s Prison at around 14:40 PM local time and went to her residence in a private vehicle. [...]


A Peruvian judge Sunday ordered 30 months of pre-trial detention for President Pedro Castillo’s sister-in-law, Yenifer Paredes. The court found that the preventive detention was a well-founded request by prosecutors investigating corruption allegations. Peru’s Prosecution Office launched their investigation into Castillo’s activities in May, looking into allegations of criminal organization, aggravated influence peddling, and aggravated [...]

RJA1988 / Pixabay

Human Rights Watch (HRW) Monday wrote an open letter to US President Joe Biden’s Administration about the Israeli government’s targeting of seven notable Palestinian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). HRW reported that Israeli authorities raided the organizations’ offices and issued closing orders against them on August 18.  According to HRW, the organizations included: Defense for Children [...]

pixel2013 / Pixabay

Bill Shipsey SC, a former chair of Amnesty International Ireland, Monday urged Ireland to adopt a code of conduct for retired judges following a controversy surrounding the Dubai International Finance Centre (DIFC) Courts. Shipsey penned an op-ed in for the Irish Times suggesting that “rules of professional conduct should require retired judges to avoid any [...]

© WikiMedia (Rwxrwxrwx)

Darragh O’Brien TD, Irish Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Monday referred a report into alleged conflicts of interest at An Bord Pleanála to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). O’Brien asked Remy Farrell SC to prepare the report on the management of alleged conflicts of interest and relevant disclosures by the former deputy [...]