The California Supreme Court ruled Monday that the 1996 Communications Decency Act protects online users, including bloggers, who republish defamatory statements written by others from liability. Citing First Amendment concerns, the...
US Marine Corps Pfc. John J. Jodka III was sentenced Wednesday to 18 months in military custody for his role in the murder of an Iraqi civilian in Hamdania last spring. Jodka,...
The High Court of Ireland held Wednesday that the protection of an unborn's right to life under Article 40 of the Irish Constitution does not include the preservation of embryos frozen as a part of...
Shaun Hansen, former owner of the telemarketing firm Mylo Enterprises Inc., pleaded guilty to two federal counts of conspiracy to commit interstate telephone harassment on Wednesday for his involvement in the New Hampshire GOP's 2002 phone jamming plot [Wikipedia...
UK Attorney General Lord Peter Goldsmith said Tuesday in an interview on BBC Radio 4 that he wants to examine whether new religious hate legislation passed in Parliament earlier this year and scheduled...
Recently released Turkish-German Guantanamo Bay detainee Murat Kurnaz has told Turkey's CNN Turk that while he was at the US military prison he was subjected to systematic torture at the hands of US...
A federal judge ruled Monday that officials at the Southern Michigan Correctional Facility must stop using non-medical restraints on prisoners because the "practice constitutes torture and violates the Eighth Amendment." Judge Richard Enslen of the US District...
The parliament of Kyrgyzstan voted Wednesday to adopt a new constitution that will restrict presidential authority based on a compromise reached Tuesday. The new constitution creates a presidential-parliamentary...
A panel of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) ordered prosecutors Wednesday to drop five of the 14 charges against Vojislav Seselj , ruling that the dropped "crimes against humanity"...
Mexican legislators in the Cámara de Diputados , the lower house of parliament, voted Tuesday to prohibit Mexican President Vicente Fox from traveling to Australia and Vietnam later this month, citing domestic concerns, including...