The Tokyo High Court overturned a landmark decision on Tuesday that had held both the Japanese government and Rinko Corp. responsible for forcing Chinese citizens into slave labor during World War II. The 2004 lower...
The British government introduced a progressive new draft environmental bill on Tuesday that could control greenhouse gas emissions until as far as the year 2050. Outlined in the Queen's Speech [text; PM...
The Judicial Conference of the United States decided Tuesday that it will ask Congress for 67 new judge positions , including 15 new circuit court positions and 52 new district court judgeships, throughout the...
The trial of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and former lawyer David Mills began Tuesday in Milan on charges of corruption arising from Berlusconi's alleged payment of $600,000 to Mills for favorable testimony...
The French Cour de Cassation held Tuesday that same-sex marriages are not valid under French law and that marriage can only be between a man and a...
Media giant Viacom filed a lawsuit Tuesday for copyright infringement against the website YouTube and owner Google , seeking over $1 billion in damages and an injunction that would prohibit further infringement. Viacom, which owns Comedy...
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pressed member nations to work with the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Monday, telling UNHRC members at the opening of the council's first 2007 session that it...
A New Jersey jury awarded a plaintiff $20 million in the latest Vioxx litigation on Monday. The jury found that the drug, distributed by Merck , caused the plaintiff's heart attack and that...
The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit held Tuesday that the Bush administration is permitted to deny funding to nonprofit AIDS awareness and advocacy groups that fail to publicly advocate against...
The White House said Tuesday that President Bush will veto a new anti-terror bill if it contains a provision which would allow Transportation Security Administration airport screeners to unionize. While other federal employees already have similar union...