Bahraini authorities on Saturday arrested and charged two former Guantanamo Bay detainees for plotting an attack in Bahrain. Reports indicate authorities caught the former detainees as they attempted to cross into Bahrain from Saudi Arabia...
Interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour on Sunday signed into law a bill circumscribing citizens' right to protest in public. The law requires demonstrators to obtain permission from authorities one week in advance...
The US Department of Defense (DOD) on Friday announced that media entities and other would-be observers will not be allowed to sit in on the first session of the Periodic Review Board (PRB), a parole-style hearing process...
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday urged Nepalese authorities to conclude the forthcoming Constituent Assembly elections peacefully with a view toward drafting a new constitution. Political and social discord have plagued Nepal since...
The Supreme Court of the Maldives on Sunday suspended the nation's presidential election for the third time. Former president Mohamed Nasheed received the most votes at the official election Saturday, but Maldives' protocols called for a runoff...
A UN independent rights expert on Friday called on the Benin government to better protect the rights of children after a visit to the country reportedly revealed widespread abuse and exploitation. UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children,...
The Tunisian government on Sunday decided to prolong the nation's state of emergency, which has been in effect since opposition forces ousted former president Zine Al Abidine Ben Ali in 2011. Ben Ali fled...
A divided three-judge panel for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled Friday that the contraceptive mandate imposed by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) ...
Three Cairo Criminal Court judges presiding over the trial of 35 Muslim Brotherhood members and leaders resigned from the proceedings Tuesday without elaboration. Media outlets suggest the judges stepped down because of...
A South African court on Tuesday sentenced 20 members of white supremacist group Boeremag to prison terms ranging from five to 20 years in the nation's first post-apartheid treason trial. The extremist group is responsible...