stevepb / Pixabay

The UK’s Women and Equalities Committee (WEC) released a report Wednesday warning the government that their strategy to improve the lives of disabled people in the UK was inadequate. They described the strategy as “un-coordinated” and urged the government to rethink their plans into a longer-term, more organized approach. The National Disability Strategy, published in [...]

Leonhard Lenz, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Germany’s civic space was rated as “narrow” in a new report from global rights watchdog CIVICUS Monitor. Germany was one of seven countries downgraded in the People Under Attack 2023 report, which analysed how governments protect citizens’ freedom of expression in 198 countries. The report found that over 30 percent of the world’s population now [...]


Ukrainian officials accused Russia Sunday of committing war crimes following the release of a video allegedly showing armed Russian soldiers shooting two unarmed Ukrainian soldiers, leading to the launching of an investigation by Ukrainian prosecutors. JURIST has reviewed the video footage, but out of respect for the victim and their families, we will not link [...]


The Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court held Thursday that the German Government violated federal climate change law by failing to reach annual targets. The ruling now means the government must implement changes to achieve these unmet goals. The court found that the groups were successful in their claims. It held that the government had failed to [...]

© Voice of America

Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, was denied an open court trial Tuesday following threats to his life. Due to these safety concerns, the planned open trial regarding Khan’s alleged actions of leaking state secrets did not go ahead. Khan was indicted with leaking state secrets in late October alongside Vice Chairman of the [...]

© JURIST / James Joseph

The UK Supreme Court held Tuesday that Deliveroo riders were not entitled to form a union and collectively bargain with Deliveroo for better working conditions due to a lack of employment relationship. This case was an appeal from an original ruling by the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) in 2017. Deliveroo riders wanted the Independent Workers [...]


A record number of convictions were made on Monday in Italy’s largest trial of people linked to the ‘Ndrangheta criminal organization. The trial lasted over three years and resulted in the sentencing of more than 200 of the over 300 people accused. The “Rinascita Scott” trial began in a court in the Italian town of [...]

Roman Bonnefoy, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The mother of a teenage boy who was fatally shot by the French police held a protest on Sunday against the release of the officer who killed her son. The officer was released from custody but remains under supervision as the case is further investigated. Nahel Merzouk was 17 when he was shot and killed [...]

© JURIST / James Joseph

The UK Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the government’s Rwanda plan is unlawful. Justices deciding the case held that the policy violated section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) in that the plan is incompatible with human rights standards the UK is obligated to uphold. The Rwanda plan was an immigration policy used [...]


The UK Ministry of Justice released a report on Monday detailing its responses to human rights issues flagged by judgments in the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and its domestic courts. The report also addressed outstanding issues such as concerns with the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act 2023, human rights issues in [...]