UK Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab Sunday announced new measures to increase the severity of punishments faced by person incarcerated on terrorism charges who commit offences while in prison. The changes are intended to act as a deterrent for those already behind bars and discourage them from re-offending. The new measures are an agreement between [...]

rawpixel / Pixabay

The New Zealand Law Society Thursday released the results of their Gender Equality Charter, reporting on developments in gender equality among legal workplaces in New Zealand in the past year. The most notable improvements included a 35 per cent increase in the delivery of unconcious bias training and a 14 per cent increase in the [...]

© WikiMedia Commons (Matt Hrkac)

An Iranian court in Tehran Monday sentenced the first Mahsa Amini protestor to death. Iran’s Revolutionary Court found the protestor guilty of “enmity against God” after he was arrested for setting fire to a government building. According to Mizan, a state-linked news source for Iran’s judiciary, the court charged the unnamed protestor with disturbing public [...]

stux / Pixabay

The UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) Thursday published their most recent report on the UK’s financial sanctions, revealing that £18.39 billion worth of Russian assets have been frozen. This figure is a substantial increase from September 2021, when only £44.5 million in Russian funds were frozen. The annual report, spanning from April 2021 [...]

© WikiMedia (CC-BY-SA)

In the weeks prior to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), Egyptian authorities have arrested hundreds of people in for allegedly planning and supporting protests set take place during the conference. At least 151 people are currently detained by the Supreme State Security Prosecution (SSSP), according to Amnesty International (AI). The Egyptian Front for Human [...]

akitada31 / Pixabay

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Friday reported they received 76,000 cybercrime reports between July 2021 and June 2022, an increase of 13 percent since last year. In the third Annual Cyber Threat Report, the organisation broke down Australian cybercrime from the most recent financial year, reporting “an increase in the number and sophistication of [...]


The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA) Sunday hosted the Indigenous Youth Justice Conference, which adopted a joint resolution calling to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14. The conference examined “many complex issues associated with Indigenous youth justice” and promoted “meaningful discussion about ways to improve the situation.” The conference, held [...]


The EU Thursday agreed on new air pollution legislation that includes stricter CO₂ emission standards for cars and a goal to phase out CO₂ emitting vehicles by 2035.  The legislation was proposed as part of the revised Ambient Air Quality Directives by the EU Commission on October 26, and a provisional agreement between the Council [...]

alfcermed / Pixabay

The University and College Union (UCU) Monday announced that UCU members voted “overwhelmingly in favor” of a strike. The vote was sparked by pay disputes and pension cuts for British university staff. The UCU held the vote on October 21. Over 70,000 staff from 150 universities participated in the vote. The results showed 81.1% of [...]

© WikiMedia (Markus Bernet)

The majority of the Dutch Parliament Thursday voted to create a special tribunal to prosecute Russian military and political leaders for their acts of aggression during the nation’s invasion of Ukraine. According to the current proprosal, the tribunal would be established in The Hague. However, Thursday’s vote is not binding. Although the International Criminal Court [...]