© WikiMedia (U.S. Embassy in the Philipines)

Makati Regional and Municipal Trial Court Branch 148 Judge Andres Bartolome Soriano on Monday rejected a petition by Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte that sought to have Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, a known critic of Duterte, arrested. Duterte sought the arrest of Trillanes after voiding his amnesty, which was granted by former-President Benigno Aquino III in [...]


A Canadian law took effect on Wednesday legalizing the sale of marijuana for recreational consumption. The Cannabis Act will “provide legal access to cannabis” and “control and regulate its production, distribution and sale.” Anyone over the 18 is legally permitted to possess at most 30 grams of cannabis. People in Canada are also permitted to [...]


UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday called for the immediate release of the remaining hostages captured during the March 1 attack in northeast Nigeria. On Monday Guterres condemned the killing of International Committee of the Red Cross aid worker Hauwa Mohammed Liman, one of the three nurses abducted during the March 1 attack. The attack [...]

International Court of Justice // Public domain

Legal counsel for the US government on Monday presented preliminary objections urging the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to dismiss a case filed by Iran seeking recovery of approximately $2 billion in frozen assets awarded to victims of a 1983 bombing attack against US barracks. In 2016 the US Supreme Court ordered about $2 billion of [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal from a group of Tennessee voters regarding Amendment 1 to the state’s constitution, a 2014 ballot measure that eliminated the right to an abortion from the document. The petitioners argued that the vote counting method was fundamentally unfair and skewed the voting in support [...]

© WikiMedia (Slowking4)

The Honduras Supreme Court on Monday temporarily suspended the murder trial of eight men accused of killing Honduran environmental rights activist Berta Cáceres. Cáceres was killed inside her home in 2016. There is believed to have been collusion between state security forces and Desarrollos Energeticos SA, the company in charge of a hydroelectric project that [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Sunday criticized the confirmation of 75 deaths sentences by the Cairo Criminal Court in Egypt, deeming the cdecision “a gross and irreversible miscarriage of justice.” According to rights groups, the sentences are part of an unprecedented crackdown by Abdel Fattah al-Sisi‘s government, who promised during his [...]