An announcement allowing limited use of cameras in the UK Court of Appeal is expected shortly, according to an article in the Sunday Times. The decision to televise appellate proceedings comes after a six week pilot program ...
Hundreds of thousands of protesters converged on Madrid Saturday to protest proposed legislation that would recognize same sex marriage. The lower house of the Spanish Parliament approved the measure in April , and the Senate is...
A leaked British Foreign and Commonwealth Office memorandum published by the London Sunday Times indicates that British government ministers were forewarned by senior officials that the 2002 US and UK pre-war air strikes against Iraq were...
The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled Wednesday that Duke Energy's challenged construction practices did not violate the Clean Air Act's New Source Rules . The government and several organizations, including the Sierra...
After a meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit in Cairo, International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo told reporters Wednesday that the court will support Sudan in any genuine effort to prosecute suspects in the...
Despite the looming threat of a Presidential veto , the US House of Representatives voted 238-187 late Wednesday to approve the so-called Sanders Freedom to Read Amendment limiting a section of the USA Patriot Act ...
The indictment filed against former Defense Department employee Lawrence Franklin for passing classified government information was unsealed Monday. The specific charges allege Franklin conspired to share national defense and other material with unauthorized persons, including two unnamed American Israel...
According to a list obtained by the Associated Press and reported Monday, the Iraqi Special Tribunal will try former dictator Saddam Hussein on 14 charges. The list includes the seven preliminary charges outlined in his 2004 arraignment,...
New York-based monitoring group Human Rights Watch said Sunday that the presidential election in Iran set for Friday cannot be free and fair because the country's unelected religious authority has approved a narrow list of candidates. A...
The Palestinian National Authority carried out four death sentences Sunday, the first time the Palestinian government had put convicts to death since 2002, when Bashir Atari, 21, was executed by firing squad for cutting the throats of...