London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair expressed regret Sunday over the killing of a man police mistakenly thought connected to July 21 London bombings . Blair stated that the shooting of Brazilian citizen...
Jurors in the trial of 5 former Enron Corp. broadband executives Wednesday acquitted three on some charges, including insider trading, money laundering, conspiracy and security and wire fraud, but failed to reach a verdict on the...
Following up on a story reported this morning in JURISTs Paper Chase, AP is reporting that in the absence of the Canadian Governor General, Canadian Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin has signed Bill C-38 into...
Two just-released Guantanamo Bay detainees told reporters Wednesday that more than 180 prisoners at the US detention facility in Cuba are 14 days or so into a hunger strike. Habir Russol and Moheb Ullah Borekzai, both...
Retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has told reporters that while she approves of President Bushs decision to nominate federal appeals court judge John Roberts to replace her on the US Supreme Court , she's somewhat disappointed that...
Maurice Strong , a special adviser for North Korea to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and a prominent Canadian business executive, will not continue his position as top UN envoy to North Korea, according to UN...
The National Rifle Association Monday announced plans to relocate its 2007 national convention from Columbus, Ohio after the Columbus City Council approved an assualt weapons ban. The ban , extends the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which expired...
The Lebanese parliament voted Monday to grant amnesty to former militia leader Samir Geagea . Geagea, Lebanese Forces militia leader during the 1975-90 civil war, was arrested in 1994 and sentenced to three consecutive life...
US officials at Guantanamo Bay Monday extradited Moroccan Lahcen Ikassrien to Spain to answer charges that he assisted al-Qaida cell leader Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas in planning the September 11 attacks. Ikassrien was arrested and sent to the prisoner...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour has called for ex-Liberian president Charles Taylor, currently in exile in Nigeria, to stand trial before the Special Court for Sierra Leone on 17 counts of...