The Thailand Court of Appeals ruled against former Thai prime minister Samak Sundaravej Thursday, upholding defamation convictions against him and an associate, Dusit Siriwan. The charges stem from a 2006 television appearance in which...
Former Rwandan deputy state prosecutor Siméon Nchamihigo was sentenced to life imprisonment Wednesday by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) . Nchamihigo was charged with four counts of genocide, murder, extermination, and...
Congress passed legislation Tuesday to reduce inequities in the insurance coverage of mental health and addiction treatment, bringing the insurance costs for such treatment in line with those of conventional medical procedures. The bill, known...
Serbia submitted a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly Tuesday seeking an International Court of Justice (ICJ) advisory opinion on the legality of the unilaterally-proclaimed independence of Kosovo . The draft resolution...
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) will amend proposed investigation guidelines to comport with the concerns of Congress and civil liberties groups, according to testimony by Assistant Attorney General Elisebeth Cook given Tuesday...
The Canadian Federal Court granted a last-minute stay of removal Monday for US Army deserter Jeremy Hinzman . Hinzman fled to Canada from the US in January 2004 after leaving his unit, rather than deploy...
The chief judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia granted a government motion Friday to extend from August 30 to September 30 its deadline to file the first fifty factual returns...
Council of Europe (COE) Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg expressed concern with several UK asylum and immigration procedures in a memorandum released Friday. The memorandum was the result of visits by Hammarberg to...
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Thursday filed a class action lawsuit seeking injunctive, declaratory and equitable relief from the National Security Agency (NSA) warrantless surveillance program ,...
In an indictment unsealed on Wednesday, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) charged sixteen individuals and companies from Iran and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on thirteen counts related to alleged...