Utah officials declared on Saturday that they switched the execution method for death row inmate Taberon Dave Honie from an experimental three-drug lethal injection to a well-known single-drug injection, according to The Salt Lake Tribute. Honie was convicted and sentenced to death in 1999 for murdering Claudia Benn, the mother of his girlfriend at the time. [...]


US Navy on Wednesday exonerated 256 black sailors who were convicted of mutiny and disobeying orders following the naval base explosion at Port Chicago, California around 80 years ago. The explosion was the deadliest disaster on US soil during World War II, with 320 dead, 390 injured, and damage forty-eight miles across the San Francisco [...]

© WikiMedia (Gerd Eichmann)

US President Biden on Friday signed into law the Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act. The bill declares Congress’s position that Tibetans have a “religious, cultural, linguistic, and historical identity” distinct from the Chinese people which the Chinese government undermines by its claims and penalizes by its rights violations of Tibetans. Congress found [...]


The Missouri Supreme Court on Friday upheld an execution warrant for Marcellus Williams even though a prosecutor filed a pending motion beforehand to vacate Williams’s 2003 first-degree murder conviction and death sentence. The court initially issued a warrant of execution set for January 28, 2015. It later vacated the execution date after Williams petitioned for [...]

Edar / Pixabay

Pakistan’s Ministry of Interior told the Sindh High Court on Monday that its ban on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) was legitimate in light of national security concerns and that it did not violate Article 19 of the Pakistani Constitution. The Ministry explained to the High Court that X’s presence in Pakistan without [...]

Adavyd, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Delaware General Assembly on Sunday passed a constitutional amendment proposal restructuring the Delaware bail system. Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 11 passed in the Delaware House of Representatives by 32 – 8 after it passed the Delaware Senate unanimously. The proposed constitutional amendment amends Article 1, Section 12 of the Delaware Constitution. The [...]

Lucas Werkmeister, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Texas Supreme Court upheld a statutory ban on gender-affirming care for minors on Friday. The plaintiffs are parents whose children are taking or intend to take gender-affirming care, licensed Texas physicians, and LGBTQ+ rights advocate groups. The defendants were various Texas officials and governmental bodies. The trial court granted the plaintiffs a temporary injunction [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear an appeal of a controversy between Hungary and Holocaust survivors over Hungary’s confiscation of their property during World War II. This will be the second time the US Supreme Court is hearing this case. Republic of Hungary v. Simon was initiated by fourteen Holocaust survivors in [...]


Togo’s High Authority for Audiovisual and Communication (HAAC) announced the end of its suspension of accreditation for foreign news organizations, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said Friday. The decision comes two months after accreditations were suspended, something RSF called “a flagrant violation of press freedom.” French journalist Thomas Dietrich entered Togo to cover the political unrest [...]


Alabama inmate Alan Eugene Miller on Friday requested the US District Court for the Middle District of Alabama block his scheduled nitrogen gas execution, which would be the second of its kind in US history. In 2000, Miller was sentenced to death for the murder of three people. Alabama law lets death row inmates choose [...]