Yakub Memon, convicted in the 1993 Mumbai bombings, was executed by hanging on Thursday at the Nagpur Central Jail. Memon's case has divided India, with many criticizing the decision to execute him. Former India Supreme...
California drought regulators on Tuesday proposed a first-of-its-kind $1.5 million fine against an irrigation district that allegedly took water illegally. The State Water Resources Control Board , a subset of the California Environmental Protection Agency [official...
Burundi polls opened on Tuesday for the controversial election where President Pierre Nkurunziza is running for his third term. Nkurunziza's opponents have boycotted the election, claiming it is unconstitutional for a president to...
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter released a statement on Monday announcing the comprehensive plan of the US Department of Defense (DOD) to move in the direction of allowing transgender troops to serve...
Negotiations between Iran and six world powers concluded in a nuclear agreement on Tuesday. The JCPOA outlines details of the agreement, in which Iran agreed not to create a nuclear bomb in...
Prosecutors have asked for three and a half years imprisonment for Oskar Gröening, who is charged with 300,000 counts of acting as an accessory to murder in Auschwitz before the Lüneberg District Court . Gröening, 94-year-old...
The nuclear negotiations between six world powers and Iran will continue beyond Tuesday's deadline until Friday, July 10. This is not an official extension of deadline , according to High Representative for the EU for...
The US Supreme Court on Tuesday granted certiorari in four cases. The court will rule on Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin v. United States and decide whether the D.C. Circuit misapplied the...
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) released a final environmental impact statement on the dangers of fracking on Monday, which carries the force of law and officially bans fracking in the state. Signed...
The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic released a report Tuesday stating that both government troops and opposition rebels are targeting civilians in Syria's civil war.The report says that the...