Thousands protest for preservation of civil liberties ahead of Tunisia presidential elections News
ziedkammoun / Pixabay
Thousands protest for preservation of civil liberties ahead of Tunisia presidential elections

The Tunisian Network for Rights and Freedoms on Friday organized a demonstration in Tunis to protest against the current political climate and advocate for the defense and preservation of civil liberties, particularly freedom of expression and the right to protest.

The march commenced at Republic Square and proceeded towards Habib Bourguiba Avenue, attracting dozens to potentially thousands of participants. Protesters voiced their discontent regarding the perceived rise of authoritarianism in Tunisia, especially in light of the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for October 6, 2024. The demonstration was a response to the increasing restrictions on political rights and civil liberties under President Kais Saied’s administration, according to local media sources.

Activists highlighted the trend of candidates being arrested or barred from participating in the electoral process, undermining the integrity of the upcoming elections. The Tunisian Network for Rights and Freedoms emphasized the importance of public mobilization to challenge these oppressive measures and to ensure that citizens retain their democratic rights.

Tunisia has experienced significant political turmoil since the overthrow of long-time president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in 2011, which initially sparked hopes for a democratic transition. However, recent years have seen a regression in political freedoms, with Saied consolidating power and implementing measures that critics argue resemble authoritarian rule.

Presidential elections in Tunisia are held every five years, with the next election scheduled for October 6, 2024. The president is elected through a direct voting process by universal suffrage.