Human Rights Watch accuses Libya of not providing adequate rebuilding measures following Derna floods News
Maher A. A. Abdussalam, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Human Rights Watch accuses Libya of not providing adequate rebuilding measures following Derna floods

Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated on Tuesday that Libya’s authorities have not provided proper support to those affected by last year’s floods in the city of Derna. According to the organization, this has severely affected compensation and rebuilding efforts, as infrastructure remains unbuilt and thousands of people are unable to return home.

Floods struck the east Libyan city of Derna, on September 10, 2023 due to the occurrence of Storm Daniel, which caused two dams to collapse. The event resulted in over 4,300 deaths, with 8,000 people still missing. It has caused 1.65 billion dollars worth of damage and also displaced more than 43,000 people, who have still not been properly relocated or rehabilitated according to HRW.

The disaster has resulted in condemnation of the Libya government, as warnings had been issued three days prior to the flood but the authorities in Derna had not taken proper evacuation measures, resulting in a high death toll. A 2021 audit found the dams had also not been maintained properly. Authorities began an investigation, convicting 12 individuals in July. However, there have been concerns raised on the fairness of the investigation, with local organizations calling for an independent investigation conducted by international bodies.

HRW, who interviewed people in Derna, have alleged that survivors have received no compensation, and are unable to access essential public records, such as identity cards, house registration documents etc required in order to resettle.

According to the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, there are disease outbreaks as well as lack of proper water and sanitation facilities in Derna. Armed groups which prevented people from leaving their houses to evacuate on time, have also not been held accountable, or convicted in the recent investigation.

Hanan Salah, associate Middle East and North Africa Director at HRW, stated that “authorities need to ensure an equitable approach to reconstruction efforts and remedy for residents.” Further rebuilding efforts are claimed to be underway by the Libya government.