UN General Assembly adopts draft resolution to bridge AI gap for developing countries News
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UN General Assembly adopts draft resolution to bridge AI gap for developing countries

The 78th Session of the UN General Assembly on Monday adopted a draft resolution “Enhancing international cooperation on capacity-building of artificial intelligence” (A/78/L.86).  Introduced by China, the text resolves to bridge the artificial intelligence (AI) divides between and within countries with the particular aim of increasing technology capabilities for developing countries.

The resolution and the representative for China at the UN Session stressed AI technologies’ impact on countries’ socioeconomic development which the benefits of are not being fully accessed by developing countries as a global digital divide widens. Cooperation in AI is recognised through activities such as knowledge sharing, adequate private and public funding, mobilising implementation and capacity-building assistance for developing countries. It also stresses a need for systems to be ethical and in full respect of human rights and international law. However, the resolution does not touch on AI for military purposes.

The bridging of the digital divide calls on the international community to foster international cooperation and promote a fair business environment. Member states are called upon to lift obstacles for developing countries and incorporate capacity-building into their national development plans and strategies where appropriate. The resolution also includes an encouragement for governments, the private sector, media and academic institutions amongst others, to reduce technology barriers.

The adoption of the draft resolution follows its March Resolution 78/265 “Seizing the opportunities of safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems for sustainable development” proposed by the US, as well as, the June launch of UN global principles to address misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech. The resolution requests a report by the Secretary-General on the unique challenges faced by developing countries and recommendations to address AI challenges. The Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence will also release a final report to be published this year ahead of the UN September “Summit of the Future“.