Japan imposes asset-freeze sanctions against violent Israeli settlers in West Bank News
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Japan imposes asset-freeze sanctions against violent Israeli settlers in West Bank

Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi announced Tuesday the imposition of asset-freeze sanctions against Israeli settlers involved in violent acts against Palestinians in the West Bank.

Hayashi noted that Japan, alongside the other G7 countries, would exercise sanctions against four Israeli settlers involved in the violent actions. These individuals would be subject to sanctions in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. Hayashi specified the implementation of these sanctions and cooperation with the international community, including G7 nations, to ultimately push the Israeli government to freeze settlement activities in the West Bank completely.

Hayashi confirmed the reasons behind the sanctions’ imposition, noting that Japan asked for settlement activities toward Palestinian communities to be suspended. He further acknowledged that, since the October 7 attacks, Israeli settlers engaged in increasingly violent acts which contributed to Palestinians being displaced from the West Bank.

Sanctions against Israeli settlers have also been proposed by other G7 countries, notably Canada and the UK. The European Union Council has also approved sanctions against violent Israeli settlers and activists in the West Bank. Previously on March 8, the United Nations condemned such Israeli settlements, denouncing the “illegal” expansion of settlements in the West Bank and the settler violence. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled on July 17 that these settlements in Palestinian territory breached international law.