US and Türkiye sanction four connected to ISIS-linked human smuggling network News
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US and Türkiye sanction four connected to ISIS-linked human smuggling network

The US Department of Treasury announced on Friday that it coordinated with Türkiye’s government to sanction four people connected to an ISIS-linked human smuggling network.

The Treasury’s press release stated that Olimkhon Makhmudjon Ugli Ismailov (Ismailov) participated in the network, and Muhammad Ibrohimjon Niyazov (Niyazov) was involved in the network by supporting ISIS members in Türkiye administratively and logistically. In addition, Muhammadyusuf Alisher Ogli Mirzoev (Mirzoev) “was involved in work to establish an ISIS militant training camp.” Ismailov, Niyazov and Mirzoev were designated under Executive Order (EO) 13224. All property of designated individuals located, controlled or possessed by the US are blocked.

Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson said:

Today’s coordinated action with Türkiye demonstrates our continued commitment to the defense of the homeland against all terrorist threats, including the so-called Islamic State or ISIS … Alongside our partners, we will remain vigilant and continue to leverage our full suite of tools to identify and disrupt the illicit networks that support ISIS operations.

The US Department of State also designated Adam Khamirzaev (Khamirzaev) under EO 13224 for guiding the network’s activities as an ISIS leader.

Relatedly, on January 5, 2023, the Treasury announced that it and the Turkish government identified and froze the assets of a “key [ISIS] financial facilitation network” based in Mersin, Turkey. The asset freeze targeted four individuals and two entities in Turkey that were accused of assisting ISIS with transferring funds between Iraq and Syria. The US designated the individuals and companies under EO 13224, and Turkey froze their assets.