UNRWA chief warns agency will ‘crumble’ without funding amid ongoing humanitarian crises News
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UNRWA chief warns agency will ‘crumble’ without funding amid ongoing humanitarian crises

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini on Monday expressed deep concerns about the dire state of health facilities in Gaza, stating that the local health system is collapsing under the strain of continuous “Israeli bombardments and ground operations.”

Highlighting the increasing pressure on the agency due to the large-scale destruction of UN premises, Lazzarini said that the agency’s convoys have faced attacks, severely limiting their operational capacity. A senior official underscored the uninhabitable conditions in Gaza, with food and clean water becoming inaccessible. Children are dying from malnutrition and dehydration, while many young people are deprived of education and forced to live in uninhabitable conditions. The UN Chief reported that about 300,000 students were enrolled in schools, but the ongoing conflict has forced them out of education.

Lazzarini noted the ongoing clashes on the Israel-Lebanon border, warning that they could escalate into a “full-blown war,” further worsening the conditions for Palestinian refugees living in camps. He appealed for support to continue UNRWA’s initiatives which would not be able to continue without financial aid, stating a requirement of $1.2 billion “to cover critical humanitarian needs”.

The current Israel-Gaza war began in October 2023, and since then a high number of casualties have been reported. The International Court of Justice twice ordered Israel to allow the entry of humanitarian assistance into Gaza in light of the worsening humanitarian crisis in Palestine, following the proceedings initiated by South Africa in January.

Despite the court’s orders, the situation has continued to deteriorate and in March, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths urged Israel to revoke its decision to block the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) food convoys as this would push thousands to the brink of famine.

Moreover, a recent UNICEF report highlighted that nine out of ten children in Gaza are experiencing food poverty, attributing this to localized conflicts that have severely impacted nutrient intake among children, and in May, the UN World Food Programme warned of a “full-blown famine” in the northern region of the Gaza Strip.