derwiki / Pixabay

The UK Bar Council called for an inquiry into the backlog at the criminal courts, announcing in a press release on Thursday that it has provided written evidence in pursuit of the inquiry. The Bar Council is calling for a “whole system review through a Royal Commission” in order to reduce the “oppressive” backlog. The [...]

© Wikimedia (Ctac)

The US Department of State imposed new visa restrictions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials on Friday after a Hong Kong court convicted 14 activists of conspiring to commit subversion under the China-imposed National Security Law. Chinese and Hong Kong government spokespersons denounced the sanctions as a “gross interference” in China’s and Hong Kong’s internal [...]

Anfaenger / Pixabay

The number of people displaced by war, violence and prosecution has skyrocketed to a staggering 114 million, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi revealed in an address to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Thursday. Grandi attributed the increase to the international community’s failure to address root causes and enforce compliance with international [...]