Israel use of white phosphorus in Lebanon harms civilians: HRW

Human Rights Watch (HRW) condemned the use of white phosphorus by Israel in south Lebanon on Wednesday, stating that it harms and displaces civilians.

HRW reported that Israel has used white phosphorus in 17 municipalities since October 2023, which include heavily populated neighborhoods. HRW concluded after conducting investigations and interviews that airburst munitions containing white phosphorus were used on residential buildings in the southern regions of Lebanon, which resulted in two people suffering from asphyxiation. According to the Public Health Ministry of Lebanon, at least 173 people were harmed as a consequence of the use of the chemical substance.

White phosphorus is a chemical substance generally used by military forces as an incendiary. The World Health Organisation (WHO) said the substance is “harmful to humans by all routes of exposure” as it can cause severe burns to human skin and respiratory tracts and may even lead to death. Although it is not prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the use of white phosphorus can violate Protocol III on the Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons.

Article 2 of Protocol III prohibits attack by incendiary weapons on civilians and civilian objects or to “make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by air-delivered incendiary weapon.” While Lebanon is party to the protocol, Israel is not, which HRW says proves the need for “stronger international law on incendiary weapons.” The organization further stressed that the shortcomings of the protocol must be remedied to provide better protection to civilians.

This is not the first time Israel has been condemned for its use of white phosphorus in conflicts. HRW previously accused Israeli armed forces of using white phosphorous in munitions fired at populated urban locations in Gaza and Lebanon and published a report afterwards. Furthermore, Amnesty revealed evidence of the illegal use of the substance in military operations at Lebanon’s southern border in October 2023.

HRW urged Israel to adopt urgent measures to prohibit the use of the substance in populated areas. Lebanon researcher at Human Rights Watch Ramzi Kaiss stated Israel must cease the use of white phosphorus munitions in populated areas immediately and should look for “less-harmful alternatives.” He added that “stronger international standards against the use of white phosphorus are needed to ensure these weapons do not continue to endanger civilians,” pushing other countries to take urgent action.