India investigation agency arrests individual for conspiracy to exacerbate Manipur violence News
hari_mangayil / Pixabay
India investigation agency arrests individual for conspiracy to exacerbate Manipur violence

The National Investigation Agency of India (NIA) arrested Thongminthang Haokip on Thursday in relation to a transnational conspiracy to exacerbate violence in Manipur. The arrests were made on various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

According to the NIA, the conspiracy can be traced to Kuki insurgents, including the Kuki National Front (KNF). The KNF is based in Manipur and neighbouring Myanmar and aims to “exploit the current ethnic unrest in the region and wage war against the government of India through violent attacks.” The NIA stated that the arrested individual was active in this conspiracy and that he had been involved in armed attacks on security forces and smuggling of arms and ammunition for the same.

The NIA added that it is continuing its investigation of the conspiracy as well as the entities involved.

The violence in Manipur is due to a long-standing ethnic tension between the Meitei and the Kuki, the two predominant communities in the state. The Meitei community, which largely follows the Hindu religion, makes up more than half of the state population. The Kuki community, which largely follows the Christian religion, is the largest tribal population. Most of the Kuki migrated from present-day Myanmar centuries ago.

The tension boiled over into outright conflict in May 2023 following the Meiteis’ demand to be given Scheduled Tribe (ST) status, which would make them subject to affirmative action in government positions. The Kuki, who already had ST status, were concerned that this would further marginalize them. The conflict manifested itself in the form of riots, horrific sexual violence, and an internet shutdown by the government.