Greece appeals court sentences Golden Dawn party founder to prison in overturning parole decision News
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Greece appeals court sentences Golden Dawn party founder to prison in overturning parole decision

A Lamia Appeals Justices’ Council in Greece sentenced the founder of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn political party Nikos Michaloliakos to prison in overturning a decision to release him on parole, according to local news outlet Athens News Agency. Michaloliakos was previously sentenced to 13 years and six months in prison before he was released on parole.

The council revoked Michaloliakos’ parole in finding him unrepentant. The council said that Michaloliakos is likely to commit crimes again as he continued to endorse unlawful Nazi activities, such as promoting Golden Dawn’s Nazi activities.

Following a trial that lasted more than five years, the Athens Court of Appeals ruled that Golden Dawn is a criminal organization on October 7, 2020. The three-judge panel found Michaloliakos and 67 other Golden Dawn members guilty of a variety of crimes, including murder and attempted murder. All seven members of the party’s political council, including Michaloliakos, were convicted of directing a criminal organization, and eleven former members of parliament were found guilty of participating in a criminal organization. In addition, Giorgos Roupakias was found guilty of the murder of Pavlos Fyssas, a Greek anti-fascist musician.

While a public prosecutor did not support Michaloliakos’ release on parole, a Lamia judicial council accepted his parole petition, provided that he stay in the Attica regional unit, make a monthly in-person appearance at the Pefki police station and refrain from associating with other convicted individuals of the same case.

Michaloliakos will continue to be imprisoned until he fulfills his legal sentence.