Albania former president Sali Berisha loses appeal against UK entry ban News
Eden Kollçinaku, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Albania former president Sali Berisha loses appeal against UK entry ban

Sali Berisha, head of Albania’s main opposition Democratic Party and the country’s former president, on Monday lost his appeal against a previous decision from the UK’s Secretary of State for the Home Department (SSHD) excluding him from entering the UK’s territory.

The entry ban against Berisha was issued by the SSHD on July 21, 2022. The SSHD based its decision on the grounds of criminality and corruption, reasoning that Berisha had had clear links to organized crime groups and criminals who had presented a threat to public safety in Albania and the UK, and that he had used his elected position to engage in corrupt and criminal behaviors to enrich himself and his inner circle.

Berisha applied for review with the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) in August 2022 and amended his application in October 2023, alleging error of law, irrationality, failure to have regard to relevant considerations, taking into account irrelevant considerations, and sovereign, head of state and head of government immunity.  

The SIAC dismissed Berisha’s appeal on Monday. In a 24-page written decision, the SIAC ruled that all of Berisha’s grounds of review had failed and therefore the application for review must be dismissed.

Berisha responded in a statement issued on Monday, in which he alleged the SIAC had not investigated the matter as it claimed to have done, and that the SSHD’s decision was based on Soros-sponsored media articles and statements by his political opponents. He further alleged that, in the current case, there is no evidence or fact of any illegal action conducted by the opposition leader, but merely an attempt to prevent the opposition leader from challenging the corrupt power. “I remain convinced that the path of justice that I will continue will serve the truth and will strike in a deserved way transnational corruption,” Berisha said.

Berisha is facing multiple charges in Albania relating to corruption and money laundering over an improper land deal, where he was accused of exploiting his position as prime minister to favor his son-in-law for the acquisition of the land. Albania’s parliament lifted Berisha’s immunity in December 2023, after which an Albanian court ordered the house arrest of the former Prime Minister for “passive corruption” under Article 237 of the Criminal Code. However, Berisha and his daughter have denied the allegations.

In May 2021, Berisha and his family were publicly designated and thus banned from entering the US on similar corruption grounds.