France police kill man attempting to set fire to Rouen synagogue News
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France police kill man attempting to set fire to Rouen synagogue

French police shot dead a man on Friday who attempted to set fire to a synagogue in what appears to be an antisemitic attack.

Mayor of Rouen Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol provided details about the incident, indicating that an individual attempted to enter the synagogue by climbing a trash bin to reach the first floor. Allegedly, the person threw a burning object, a type of “molotov cocktail,” at the synagogue, attempting to start a fire, but it was put under control. This person not only attempted to start the fire but also tried to attack a police officer, which led to him being shot. However, the identity of the person who committed this attack remains unknown.

Additionally, Mayor Nicolas expressed his support for the Jewish community, emphasizing that the attack was not only directed at them but at everyone. He described it as an attack against France in general and highlighted that antisemitism has no place in their republic.

Other authorities also made comments on the matter such as the Ministry of Interior Gerald Darmanin, who indicated through X (formerly Twitter) that on Monday he was going to decorate the police and firefighters who managed to control the fire and also neutralize the perpetrator. Besides him, the President of the Jewish Community in Rouen Natacha Ben Haim indicated that what happened was catastrophic.

France is not the only country facing antisemitic attacks; antisemitism has lately become a global issue in the wake of the Gaza war.