The Moscow City Court announced on Telegram Saturday that a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dzhumakhon Kurbonov, was arrested for his involvement in the deadly Crocus City Hall attack in Moscow that killed 144 people. The arrest came after the Basmanny District Court of Moscow granted authorities the petition of the preliminary investigation.
According to the investigations, Kurbonov was responsible for providing funds for the preparation of the attack, as well as providing members of an organized group with telecommunications means and systematically paying for them. He was charged under paragraph 3.b of Article 205, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The incident, for which ISIS claimed responsibility, marked the deadliest terrorist attack Russia has witnessed in the past two decades, and occurred days after President Vladimir Putin extended his rule of more than two decades. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) initially arrested a dozen people and detained 3 more men on April 4 in connection to the attack. The charges against the detainees included recruiting individuals to assist in the attack, funding the operation and purchasing firearms and vehicles used in the attack.
Following the attack, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation demanded extradition from Ukraine of all individuals involved in the Moscow concert hall attack and other terrorist attacks, such as the bombing of the Crimean Bridge in October 2022, after it claimed an investigation conducted by Russian authorities showed that the incident was connected to Ukraine. Ukraine rejected the claims stating they were attempts by the Kremlin to “further fuel anti-Ukrainian hysteria in Russian society.”
The court announced a preventive measure was chosen for Kurbonov in the form of detention for 26 days, until May 22.