Germany news outlet unveils alleged “remigration” plot led by far-right politicians News
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Germany news outlet unveils alleged “remigration” plot led by far-right politicians

The German investigative journalism organization Correctiv published allegations Wednesday of a plot which implicates officials from the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) and several businessmen, focusing on the concept of “remigration,” targeting asylum seekers, foreigners with residency rights and “non-assimilated” citizens.

According to the report, in a hotel near Potsdam, a meeting took place involving members of the AfD and figures from the Identitarian Movement. The event was organized by Gernot Mörig, a former dentist with a history of right-wing extremism, and Hans-Christian Limmer, a prominent investor. The gathering aimed to discuss and plan the expulsion of people from Germany based on racial criteria. The meeting allegedly involved influential AfD members such as Roland Hartwig, assistant to AfD leader Alice Weidel, who supported the discussed “master plan.” The plan, led by far-right activist Martin Sellner, allegedly focused on turning the concept of remigration into a political agenda, emphasizing the importance of building a right-wing extremist counter-public and weakening democracy.

The Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, released a statement in response the report, writing:

We will not allow anyone to differentiate the “we” in our country based on whether or not someone has an immigrant background. We protect everyone – regardless of origin, skin colour or how uncomfortable someone is for fanatics with assimilation fantasies. Anyone who goes against our free, democratic basic order is a case for our Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the judiciary. The fact that we learn from history is not just lip service. Democrats must stand together.

The AfD is a right-wing political party in Germany. It was founded in 2013 and initially gained prominence for its opposition to the Eurozone and European Union policies. Over time, the party has shifted its focus to various conservative and nationalist positions, including immigration, national identity and skepticism toward mainstream political establishments. The AfD has been known for its controversial stances on issues such as immigration, Islam and the European Union. Some factions within the party have been criticized for promoting far-right ideologies. In an interview with local news, the vice-chancellor of Germany, Robert Habeck, hinted at the possibility of a ban on AfD in the wake of Correctiv’s report.