According to officials, the European Parliament (EP) opened an investigation Tuesday into Tatjana Ždanoka, a Latvian member of the assembly who has been accused of working as a Russian agent for several years. The MEP denies the allegations but it has sparked concern amongst the parliamentarians, with some saying that there may be other Russian agents acting within the organisation.
The online Russian newspaper, The Insider, working alongside other investigative journalism organisations in Latvia, Estonia, Russia and Sweden, made the allegations on Monday, alleging that Ždanoka had been working with Russian intelligence (the FSB) for at least 15 years. They claim to have uncovered a series of emails, which included references to her work as an MEP, as well as requesting “funding from Russian sources to underwrite her political activities in Latvia and the European Parliament.”
The publication of the report and the launch of the investigation have also prompted several other Latvian MEPs to issue a letter stating that they believe there are more Russian spies in the European Parliament. In a tweet, Latvian MEP and former Foreign Minister Sandra Kalniete said that “Having Russian agents in the EP is a security risk and a disgrace. Ždanoka is not an isolated case, it’s time to get our house in order.”
Ždanoka had been expelled from the European Free Alliance (EFA) back in April 2022 after she refused to condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. She also took part in a protest in the EP, wearing a t-shirt with the slogan “stop killing Donbas children,” an accusation levelled at Ukraine by Russia, prompting its invasion. Since the news report was released, the EFA has announced their decision to suspend the Latvian-Russian Union (LRU) and that they intend to propose its expulsion from the EFA. In their statement, the EFA said that “any actions that threaten the EU’s independence or subject it to foreign influences are deeply concerning to us.”